Perspectives artist program

Art that celebrates the diverse and vibrant landscapes across Queensland.
Aboriginal Art Co presents an exhibition new works by four female First Nations artists and their connection to Country. Elverina Johnson (Yarrabah), Agnes Wotton (Palm Island) Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung (Western Cape York) and Jody Rallah (Brisbane).
The exhibition was an outcome of and eight week art course that saw the group connecting via Zoom each Monday around lunchtime. Facilitated by Amanda, Aboriginal Art Co Executive Director and Program Lead, there were a series of activities set to explore their Country and surroundings. They were sent a care package of materials including paints, fine tip pens, brushes, canvas, watercolour paper and more. There were tasks tto draw whats outside your window, your favourite place to visit, then up close to important plants and patterns in nature. What was really special, was the interactions each week when the artists shared their experiences and articulated their connections to place through these online conversations.
There were personal issues and loss of family members, as well as the disruption of the Brisbane floods during this time, however, the group maintained their dedication to the program. The art influenced a deep connection to Country and was grounding. As a result, the group developed a really strong bond and powerful body of work.
The program culminated in a group show and gathering that allowed all artists to come together and meet for the first time in Brisbane for the occassion. It was also an opportunity for the artists to share their stories with a Brisbane arts community and expose their art to new audiences.
Aboriginal Art Co is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. This project was made possible through the First Nations Commissioning Fund.
Jody Rallah is a promising emerging artist. She is a Yuggera woman of Brisbane, as well as Biri Gubba and Warangu Bowen region. Based in Brisbane, Jody is a graduate of Griffith University’s Contemporary Austraalian Indigenous Art course. Jody is a visual artist who works with a variety of mediums and practices, across object making, sculptural installation, painting, sound, and performance.
Elverina Johnson is a Gurugulu and Indinji Gimuy artist from Yarrabah in far north Queensland. Her traditional family name is Bunya Badjil, which means ‘Good Woman’. She is a multidiscipliary artist, and practices in the fields of visual arts, music, and performance. Her unique painting style is bright and bold and often depicts the beauty of Yarrabah’s land and sea.
Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung is a Western Cape York-based artist. Tribal affiliation is to Mbaiwum/Trotj, Alngith/Liningithi with strong ties to Wik Apalich Nations. Fiona’s background is in Performance Theatre, Choreography, Literature and Academic research. She draws from Western Cape epistemology, ontology and axiology to determine her creative vocabulary and modes of expression which includes visual art.
Agnes Wotton lives and creates art on the remote Aboriginal community of Palm Island. She is a self-taught artist and has an affinity with colour. Primarily a painter, she creates work that showcases the island’s unique landscape and animals through a stylised and simplicitic lense. Agnes often creates work through the layering of patterns and colour. Painting is a healing process for her.