Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung
Fiona Wirrer-George Oochunyung is a Western Cape York-based artist. Tribal affiliation is to Mbaiwum/Trotj, Alngith/Liningithi with strong ties to Wik Apalich Nations. Fiona’s background is in Performance Theatre, Choreography, Literature and Academic research. She draws from Western Cape epistemology, ontology and axiology to determine her creative vocabulary and modes of expression.
I draw from the epistemology of Wik and Wikway systems. What we know, how we know and what is determined of value according to the systems and frameworks of Lore. My knowledge bank is the result of lived experience as well as intentional teachings carried out by primarily my maternal grandmother in context. The amalgamation of process, song, dance and relational connectivity frames and governs knowledge acquisition, utilization and depiction. My work is also primarily contemporary in genre. It is an auto-ethnographical approach to reception and interpretation. The land from which I was maternally born from feeds my creative foundations as well as remains in dialogue with process unfolding.
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