Betty Bundamurra Kira Kiro Spirits – Silk Scarf


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This beautiful Silk Chiffon Scarf, is produced by Waringarri Aboriginal Arts showcasing the fabulous artwork, Kira Kiro Spirits by Betty Bundamurra.

From the time of the beginning – the Dreamtime, called Lalai by Kwini people, the Kira Kiro have been the guardians and assistants of the Wandjina. They are good spirits and are also traditional dancers who sing about the yam and fruits that can be gathered when the wet season rains begin. The Kira Kiro spirits taught Aboriginal people what food to hunt and gather and how to use certain plants and trees for medicines. They taught how to care for the land and rivers and sea; to not waste food or cut down trees. They taught Aboriginal people about which trees are used for artefacts, where to find natural ochres, to look after rock art and sacred sites and where warriors are buried. The rocks where warriors are buried are painted with white ochre. We learn the knowledge of the Kira Kiro from our warriors and elders past and present from generation to generation. These stories we are proud of, they were locked in our minds because we didn’t have books to keep for the younger generation. The Bradshaws or Kira Kiro figures are the worlds oldest rock art figures even older than the Wandjina.

Silk Chiffon Scarf

105cm x 105cm

Waringarri Aboriginal Arts is in the heart of Miriwoong country at Kununurra in the Kimberley region of northern Australia.