Pandanus Wulbung (Basket) Yellow


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Mawungumain weaves together traditional pandanus with abandoned fishing line, known as ghost nets, for colourful pops of colour.  Locally-harvested pandanus leaves are woven raw, or dyed naturally using roots, leaves or flowers.  Ghost nets account for about 40% of all ocean plastic. Numbulwar fibre art divert this plastic away from the oceans, keeping nets clear of vulnerable sea life.

Sustainability at its best. Locally-harvested pandanus meets repurposed ghost nets.

30cm (D) x 9cm

Numbulwar Numburindi of Numbulwar Community, Northern Territory, Australia.

Meet the Artist

Mawungumain Nundhirribala

Mawungumain Nundhirribala is a Nunggayinbala woman who has lived her whole life in the Numbulwar area, since before the mission was established. Her fibre art is identifiable by its vibrant colour blocking and immaculate technicality.

Meet the Artist